Ceremony of Power Transition of the Center for Higher
Naval Studies Direction

Mexico City.- Today, Tuesday, January 17, 2023, the Transition of Power Ceremony of the Direction of the Center for Higher Naval Studies (CESNAV) was held, which was presided by Admiral Procoro Juan Trinidad Garcia Figueroa, Dean of the Naval University. During the ceremony Rear Admiral Tayatzin Guerrero Mendoza granted possession of this Center to Vice Admiral Jose Hector Orozco Tocaven, who from now on directs this maximum house of studies of the Naval University.

The ceremony began with the reading of the Extraordinary Order of this Center of Studies, by the Officer on watch, to communicate the designation of the current Director and continued with the taking of the oath of allegiances to the office on behalf of Vice Admiral Orozco Tocaven in presence of Vice Admiral Garcia Figueroa, who gave possession of the Direction of this Educational Institution.

The Director of CESNAV was born in Mexico City on September 20, 1962. He joined the Naval Academy in 1981 as a Cadet of the General Corps, graduating as a Midshipman in 1985. Later, he was promoted to the rank of Ensign when he obtained the Degree of Engineer in Naval Sciences. On November 20, 2022, he was promoted to the rank he currently holds.

As part of his academic training, he completed the Command Course and Specialization in Computer Science at the Center for Higher Naval Studies (CESNAV); the Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) of the United States of America; the Course for Public Affairs Officers at the Defense Information School (DINFOS) of the United States of America; the Diploma in Total Quality and Process Improvement at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM); Higher Defense Studies Diploma and Hemispheric Higher Defense Studies Diploma by the College of Interarmed Forces Defense College in France(CID); as well as the Masters in International Service by the American University in Washington DC. Magister in Homeland Security and Defense by the National Academy of Political and Strategical Studies (ANEPE) in the Republic of Chile; and the Masters in Naval Administration and in National Security by the CESNAV.

He has served as Junior Officer, Chief Engineer, and Commanding Officer in several surface units of the Mexican Navy and was Executive officer of the following surface unit: Coastal Patrol Vessel "Laguna de Cuyutlan", and of the ocean patrol vessels "Mariano Matamoros", "Virgilio Uribe" and "Baja California". Among his main administrative assignments are those of Protocol Director of the Secretariat of the Navy; Head of the Sub-Deputy of Liaison and Diplomatic Management of the Second Section of the General Staff of the Mexican Navy; Director of Liaison and Coordination of the Unit of Naval Intelligence of the Mexican Navy; Director of Technological Areas, Humanities, Research and Languages of the CESNAV and head of the Social Communication Unit of the Secretariat of the Navy.

Due to his career of more than 40 years in the active service of the Mexican Navy, he has been awarded the "Decoration of Perseverance" from Sixth to First Class; "Echelon" Medal in grade “Argent" of the French National Defense; Special Medal of the Inter-American Defense Board and the Special Merit Decoration of the Association of Military, Naval and Air Attachés Accredited in Mexico.

Center for Higher Studies
Publication Date
January 17th, 2023