Keynote Speeches are given at this Center of Studies
by Commanders of Naval and Military Regions

Mexico City. - On the morning of January 27, 2023, Almirante Abraham Eloy Caballero Rosas, Commander, Seventh Naval Region; Almirante Gilberto Carballo Avila, Commander, Ninth Naval Region; General de División Armando Montaño Ponce, Commander, Seventh Military Region; General de División Homero Mendoza Ruiz, Commander, Tenth Military Region, were welcomed in order to give keynote speeches within the Panel "Use of Military Power in the area of responsibilities of the Naval and Military Regions, for the external defense and internal security of the Country", to an audience of 47 students of the Master's Degree in National Security taught in this House of Studies.

Scheduled lectures within the lecture series of the Master's Degree in National Security, Class LIII.

Center for Higher Studies
Publication Date
January 27th, 2023