Master Lecture ‘Tehuantepec Isthmus Interoceanic Corridor;
Challenges and Opportunities’

Mexico City.- On May 14th the master lecture ‘Tehuantepec Isthmus Interoceanic Corridor; Challenges and Opportunities’ was held in the auditorium of the Centro de Estudios Navales en Ciencias de la Salud (Health Science Naval Studies Center). The master lecture was delivered by the citizen Vicealmirante (Vice admiral) Raymundo Morales Ángeles, chief executive officer of the Tehuantepec Isthmus Interoceanic Corridor.

Among the distinguished attendees were: citizens Vicealmirante Carlos Jiménez Leal, Principal of the Universidad Naval (Naval University and Vicealmirante José Héctor Orozco Tocaven, principal of the Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales (Higher Naval Studies Center) CESNAV, by its acronym in Spanish, together with students from the schools — Escuela de Guerra Naval (Naval War School) and from the Escuela de Áreas Tecnológicas, humanidades, Idiomas e Inteligencia (School of Humanities, Technological Fields, Languages, and Maritime Intelligence), along with the members of the board of directors, professor and researches from this house of studies were the attendees at the lecture hall.

During the lecture Vicealmirante Morales Ángeles, highlighted the strategic importance of Tehuantepec Isthmus Interoceanic Corridor for Mexico’s economic and trading development. He stated this mega-project’s challenges and opportunities as well as how it is beneficial to our country.

We in CESNAV would like to express our gratitude to citizen Vicealmirante Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles for his enriching presentation which will help to foster academically and in their career trajectory to our alumni.


Center for Higher Naval Studies
Publication Date
June 14th, 2023