Se realizó la «Semana de Liderazgo Naval 2024» en el CESNAV
Del 1 al 5 de julio, se realizó la «Semana de Liderazgo Naval 2024» en el Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales...
Continuar leyendo...The Higher Naval Studies Center better known as CESNAV, is the maximum house of studies of the Mexican Ministry of Navy; this studies center is under the direct supervision of the Naval University which is in charge of the entire naval education of Mexico.
In order to address the necessity of providing to captains and officers the advanced academics studies that only they could obtain at foreign academies, this center was born.
CESNAV Round table “One Year After the Russia -Ukraine Conflict”
On November 23dt in 1825 the Mexican Navy was created after the last Spanish stronghold was defeated by the first Mexican naval squadron. Along with this event Mexico´s independence was achieved and the necessity to stablish a national Navy and create Naval Schools emerged. During the 19th century different projects and schools had the mission to provide this naval education which was usually complemented abroad.
Calzada de la Virgen #1800, Ex-Ejido de San Pablo Tepetlapa, CP. 04840, Coyoacán, Mexico City
Tel. (55) 5608-0847 Ext. 8019, 7154 y 3461
Public service: 01800 MARINA
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