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IInauguration Ceremony of Diploma Course
on Derecho del Mar y Marítimo para la impartición y Administración de Justicia
(Law of the Sea and Maritime Law to Achieve and Manage Justice) Class I

Mexico, City.-On June 5th , 2023, online inauguration ceremony of diploma course on Derecho del Mar y Marítimo para la impartición y Administración de Justicia Class I was held. This diploma course will be given online and inside the facilities of our prestigious educational institution.

This notable academic program opening ceremony was directed by citizen Admiral Juan José Padilla Olmos, Commander in Chief of Mexican Navy Staff, Dr. Germán Adolfo Castillo Banuet, Head of Prosecutor’s Office in charge of Regional Control attached to Attorney General’s Office, and citizens Vicealmirantes (Rear Admirals Upper Half) Carlos Jiménez Leal, Rector of Universidad Naval (Naval University), together with José Héctor Orozco Tocaven, Principal of our esteemed educational center.

The diploma course is to be finished on July 30th, 2023, and the group will be composed of 40 students from Prosecutor’s Office in charge of Regional Control attached to Attorney General’s Office and 10 students from Justicia Naval (Naval Justice Corps).

During the ceremony citizen Vicealmirante Principal of CESNAV (Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales, by its initials in Spanish) emphasized how important is for professionals who dispense and achieve maritime justice in our country to continuously gain knowledge and pursue professional perfection.

Moreover, Dr. Germán Adolfo Castillo Banuet expressed certitude about the diploma course’s contribution to enhance the quality of judicial actions encompassing detentions at sea.

Center for Higher Naval Studies
Publication Date
June 5th, 2023