Graduation Ceremony of the Specialties of the Center
for Higher Naval Studies Academic Year 2024-II
Mexico, City.- On December 13, 2024, in the Auditorium of the Center for Naval Studies in Health Sciences, the Graduation Ceremony of the staff of students who studied Specialties of: General Staff promotion VI, Law of the Sea and Maritime promotion XVII and Operational Logistics promotion XII, which were taught in this Study Center during the 2024-II Academic Cycle.
The aforementioned event was chaired by Vice Admiral Leopoldo Jesús Díaz González Solórzano, Rector of the Naval University, in the company of Vice Admiral José Héctor Orozco Tocaven, Director of CESNAV, as well as Directors of the units of the San Pablo Tepetlapa Naval Estate, whose presence They highlighted the event, during which recognitions were given to the first places in each Specialty.
The Center for Higher Naval Studies remains firm in its conviction of forging leaders to perform in the different strategic, operational and tactical scenarios, with the values of the naval profession, as well as helping to develop doctrine and institutional strategic planning.