Chiefs of Staff of the Mexican Armed Forces
give a lecture for the Master’s Degree in National Security,
Class LIII

Mexico City.– On February 03, 2023, the Lecture Hall of this House of Studies was the venue of the panel “Staff of SEMAR, SEDENA and FAM as planning body for National Security actions".

This academic space is an opportunity for the 47 students of the Master’s Degree to value the strategies employed by Chiefs of Staff in the Mexican Armed Forces to ensure the security and fulfillment of their mission.

The following participated on behalf of SEMAR, Vicealmirante Cuerpo General, Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Carlos Eduardo L’eglise Escamilla, Deputy Operational Chief of the General Staff of the Mexican Navy; on behalf of SEDENA, General de División, Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Miguel Ángel Hernández Martínez, Chief of General Staff of the Mexican Army; and on behalf of FAM, General de Ala, Piloto Aviador, Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Alfonso Rodríguez Sierra, Chief of Staff of the Mexican Air Force.

It should be noted that, with this Panel ends the academic activity of the module III “Mexico’s Power in the International Context”, from the course “Assessment of the National Military Situation” of said Master’s.

Center for Higher Studies
Publication Date
February 3th, 2023