Rear Admiral
Salvador López Cruz

Director of the Institute of Strategic
Research of the Mexican Navy

He joined the Naval Academy of the Mexican Navy on July 18, 1985. He graduated as a midshipman on November 1, 1990.

From that date until 2010 he served as officer in charge in different Surface Units of the Mexican Navy, where he served as Officer of portable armament, electricity, artillery, logistics, tasks, propulsion, as well as Executive officer and Commander.

It is worth mentioning that he was Director of the Gulf Fire and Damage Control Training Center. Chief of the First Section of the Eleventh Naval Zone. Commander of the Third Naval Fleet. In the headquarters of the Secretariat of the Navy, he held administrative positions at the deputy director in the General Directorate of Armament and at the Directorate level in the General Directorate of Naval Constructions. He is currently the Director of the Institute of Strategic
Research of the Mexican Navy.

Among his studies, he has a Master's Degree in Naval Administration from CESNAV and a Master's Degree in Security and National Defense from the War College in Colombia. He has completed, among others, the courses of Naval Command as well as High Military Studies, the latter also taken at the Escuela Superior de Guerra in Colombia.

He has been awarded perseverance decorations from sixth to first class for having completed 37 years of uninterrupted service in the Mexican Navy. In addition to several compliments, recognitions, and distinctions for performing with professionalism, dedication, discretion, and high institutional commitment. He is a member of the Legion of Honor of the Mexican Armed Forces.